# Introduction

Discord Trivia is a Discord.JS based library designed to implement fully-fledged trivia/quiz games through your Discord bot. This library enables developers to fetch API questions from +20 categories with support for custom questions, configurable game settings, configurable designs, and a built-in leaderboard system. Thanks to OpenTDB for the questions!

# Installation

Start by installing the package via the command line with NPM: -->

npm install discord-trivia

# Basic Setup

Begin by importing GameManager from the package and assigning it to a variable. Your game manager will be responsible for creating and managing trivia games. You can have multiple trivia games simultaneously, but only one trivia manager.

import { GameManager } from 'discord-trivia';

const manager = new GameManager();

Define your first trivia game with manager.createGame(channel), where channel is a TextBasedChannel from a Message, Command Interaction, or fetched channel.

To start the game, call game.startQueue(). If your game was created via a command interaction, you can supply the interaction as a parameter to ensure it is replied to.

// Message Command
const game = manager.createGame(message.channel);

// Slash Command
const game = manager.createGame(interaction.channel);

// Automated interaction reply

// Or use your own interaction.reply()


# Error Handling

Handle errors that may occur with your game using a try...catch block or then()...catch() callbacks.

// Try...Catch
try {
    await game.startQueue(interaction);
} catch (err) {
    console.error(`An error occurred: ${err}`);

// Then...Catch
    .catch(err => console.error(`An error occurred: ${err}`));

# Complete Basic Setup

Your final code will have this general structure:

import { GameManager } from 'discord-trivia';

const manager = new GameManager();

// -- Inside your command function --
const game = manager.createGame(interaction.channel);

try {
    await game.startQueue(interaction);
} catch (err) {
    console.error(`An error occurred: ${err}`);

That's it! Your bot will serve your channel with a complete trivia game experience. For further customization, continue reading to learn how to configure and customize your trivia games to your liking.